Gulf Coast Treasure_edited_edited

    May your earlys bloom early

    and your lates bloom late

    May your bud-count be plentiful

    and your scapes all stand straight


May your spiders be spidery

and your bagels be round

May your foliage be blue green

no rust to be found


May your darks all be sunfast

and your polychromes bright

May spring rains be timely

and summer’s heat slight


May your purples be regal

and your pinks be true

May all of your seedlings

be (what else) shades of blue


May your picotees be plentiful

and your borders be bold

All dripping with chicken phat

on edges of gold


May each flower open fully

and lift its face high

To honor its Maker

up there in the sky


And as peak bloom arrives

with each clump all aglow

It’s hard to be humble

it’s hard not to crow


But I truly believe

that you reap what you sow

Lord, please bless my bloomers

for they comfort me so

E.D. Travis, Sr., 2003, All Rights Reserved