Gulf Coast Treasure_edited_edited

Ernie Eskine passed away in his sleep during the night of 3/3/2000. Ernie was a good friend to many of us, and a hard working member of the Lone Star Daylily Society. Ernie will be sorely missed. He was always one of the first to volunteer when work was to be done. He supported this club with untold hours of his time. Ernie’s Cajun wit provided much needed humor breaks in our sometimes too serious business meetings. This web page is dedicated to the memory of our friend Ernie Eskine.

Ray Houston

Club Raffle - 1999

Mildred, Ernie & Bob Carr

Mike Mayfield & Ernie

Ernie & Inez Tarrant

“Serious Business”

Working at the 1999 Show

More Tributes:

Leon & Paula Payne

Nell Shimek

Edgar & Becky Tarrant